Announcements Newly Published News

Zach’s Paper is published in Inorganic Chemistry!

Zach’s Paper is published in Inorganic Chemistry! Congratulations! It is collaborative work with Prof. Patrick Gougeon from France. Thanks to all who contributed in.

Announcements News

ASSIP High school summer intern Wendy finished her research training on solid-state materials synthesis and characterization

ASSIP High school summer intern Wendy finished her research training on solid-state materials synthesis and characterization. Good luck with your college application, Wendy!

Announcements Events

Zach attended the 7th JHU-PARADIM school on Materials Growth and Design: Recent Developments in and Future Quantum Applications of Superconductivity

07/31/2022-08/05/2022:  Zach attended the 7th JHU-PARADIM school on Materials Growth and Design: Recent Developments in and Future Quantum Applications of Superconductivity.

Announcements Events

Xiaoyan attended the Gordon Research Conference- Solid State Chemistry at Colby-Sawyer College, NH

07/24/2022-07/29/2022: Xiaoyan attended the Gordon Research Conference- Solid State Chemistry at Colby-Sawyer College, NH. Thank Shiv and Arthur for hosting such a great conference. Xiaoyan met many new people, reconnected with the solid-state community, and learned a lot from other solid-state chemists.

Announcements Newly Published News

Callista’s paper (Zach co-author) is published in Chemistry of Material! Congratulations!

Callista’s paper (Zach co-author) is published in Chemistry of Material! Congratulations! It was a great collaboration project (funded by 4-VA) with Prof. Susan M. Kauzlarich (UC-Davis), Prof. Prasanna V. Balachandran (UVA), and Prof. Nirmal J. Ghimire (GMU). Thanks to all who contributed in.

Announcements Awards News

Congratulations to Callista

Congratulations to Callista for winning both the departmental General Chemistry Teaching Award and Ph.D. Graduate Student Research Award! Keep up the good work.

Announcements News Presentations

Zach and Haruka presented posters at the departmental graduate and undergraduate poster symposium

Zach and Haruka presented posters at the departmental graduate and undergraduate poster symposium. Good work.

Announcements Awards News

Congratulations to Haruka for winning the best poster award

Congratulations to Haruka for winning the best poster award at this year’s College of Science Undergraduate Research Colloquium.

Announcements News

Congratulations to Haruka

Congratulations to Haruka. Her summer research proposal has been funded by OSCAR Summer 2022 URSP program.

Announcements News

Xiaoyan, Callista, and Zach were performing high-pressure experiments at 16-BM-D beamline, APS, Argonne National Laboratory

03/26-28/2022:  Xiaoyan, Callista, and Zach were performing high-pressure experiments at 16-BM-D beamline, APS, Argonne National Laboratory. Thank Daniel, Eduardo, and Guiyin for helping with the experiments.