Zach’s Paper is published in Inorganic Chemistry! Congratulations! It is collaborative work with Prof. Patrick Gougeon from France. Thanks to all who contributed in.
ASSIP High school summer intern Wendy finished her research training on solid-state materials synthesis and characterization. Good luck with your college application, Wendy!
Callista’s paper (Zach co-author) is published in Chemistry of Material! Congratulations! It was a great collaboration project (funded by 4-VA) with Prof. Susan M. Kauzlarich (UC-Davis), Prof. Prasanna V. Balachandran (UVA), and Prof. Nirmal J. Ghimire (GMU). Thanks to all who contributed in.
Congratulations to Callista for winning both the departmental General Chemistry Teaching Award and Ph.D. Graduate Student Research Award! Keep up the good work.
03/26-28/2022: Xiaoyan, Callista, and Zach were performing high-pressure experiments at 16-BM-D beamline, APS, Argonne National Laboratory. Thank Daniel, Eduardo, and Guiyin for helping with the experiments.